The Ultimate Guide on How Social Media Helps in Marketing
03 Feb
The Ultimate Guide on How Social Media Helps in Marketing

Businesses, big and small, worldwide are turning to social media platforms more and more to advertise their product or service.

However, the process of making your presence known in the world of social media isn’t as easy as some might think. But the results you can get if you work hard in creating engaging content and reaching their target audience makes up for it.

If you or your business want to achieve these results you need to learn how social media helps in marketing. Simply put social media doesn’t help but itself instead social media marketing does. And in this article you will learn the ultimate social media marketing guide.

What Is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a powerful way for businesses to connect with their audience and promote products or services through various social media platforms. It involves creating and sharing content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to achieve marketing and branding goals.

Key Components of SMM

  • Content Creation: SMM relies on creating engaging and relevant content tailored to the platform and audience.
  • Audience Engagement: Interacting with followers, responding to comments, and fostering a community around your brand.
  • Paid Advertising: Using paid promotions to boost visibility and reach a larger audience.

Stats from 2020-2021

  • According to Statista, the number of social media users worldwide reached 3.6 billion in 2020, and it is expected to increase to 4.41 billion by 2025.

  • The pandemic significantly influenced social media usage. Data from Hootsuite revealed a 50% increase in social media engagements during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • E-commerce on social media platforms saw substantial growth. Shopify reported a 76% increase in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the previous year.

Top Social Media Marketing Platforms


  • User Count: Over 2.89 billion monthly active users as of 2021.
  • Audience: Diverse user base spanning various age groups and interests.
  • Industry Impact: Widely used across industries, from retail to services and beyond.
  • Best For: Businesses aiming for broad audience reach, engagement through multimedia content, and targeted advertising.

Facebook stands as the largest and most well-established social media platform. Since its inception in 2004, it has evolved into an indispensable tool for businesses targeting consumers (B2C). Not only does it provide advanced advertising tools, but it also presents organic opportunities for businesses to connect with their audience.


  • User Count: More than 1 billion monthly active users in 2021.
  • Audience: Predominantly younger demographic, with a focus on visual content.
  • Industry Impact: Particularly influential in fashion, beauty, travel, and lifestyle sectors.
  • Best For: Brands with visually appealing products or services, and those wanting to engage through aesthetically pleasing content.

In just 12 years since its launch, Instagram has become a global sensation. It's the go-to platform for sharing visually appealing content, and what sets it apart is its sophisticated e-commerce tools. Users can now explore brands, check out products or services, and make purchases without leaving the app, making Instagram a formidable platform.


  • User Count: Around 396 million monthly active users in 2021.
  • Audience: Varied, but with a focus on real-time conversations and news.
  • Industry Impact: Highly impactful for news, tech, and entertainment industries.
  • Best For: Businesses aiming for real-time engagement, customer service, and those wanting to participate in trending discussions.

Instagram puts the spotlight on visuals, but Twitter revolves around words. From its early days of 140-character Tweets, the platform has grown to incorporate new features like Twitter Spaces for audio conversations, Twitter Communities for community building, and Twitter Moments for sharing captivating content with your followers.


  • User Count: Over 774 million users as of 2021.
  • Audience: Professionals and businesses looking for networking and B2B opportunities.
  • Industry Impact: Dominant in the professional services, B2B, and recruitment sectors.
  • Best For: B2B marketing, professional networking, and showcasing industry expertise.

LinkedIn can be considered as Facebook's professional counterpart. It stands out as the platform where the audience is distinctly defined: working professionals seeking networking opportunities and new career paths. 

This characteristic makes it the perfect platform for B2B companies aiming to identify crucial decision-makers and cultivate a community specific to their industry.


  • User Count: Over 1 billion monthly active users in 2021.
  • Audience: Predominantly younger demographic interested in short-form videos.
  • Industry Impact: Influential in the entertainment, music, and e-commerce sectors.
  • Best For: Brands looking to engage with a younger audience through creative, short videos.

When you think about short-form video, TikTok likely comes to mind. The platform gained significant popularity in 2020 and continues to thrive without any indications of slowing down. It stands out as one of the top platforms for community building, with marketers ranking it in second place, just behind YouTube.

How Social Media Marketing Works?

Setting Up

Start by creating a profile for your business on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. You are basically putting down your name in a name book.

Making Friends (Followers)

Invite people to be your friends or followers. These are folks interested in what you have to say or sell. You are basically becoming friends with other people from all over the world.

Sharing Cool Stuff

Just like you'd share interesting stories or photos with friends, share engaging content about your business. It could be pictures, videos, or news about your products or services.

Conversations and Interactions

Respond when your friends (followers) comment or ask questions. You are talking with your friends about all kinds of things just online. Interaction builds relationships and keeps the conversation going.

Spreading the Word

Encourage your friends to share your content. This is like them telling their friends about your business. Word of mouth, but in the digital world.

Ads for a Boost

Sometimes, you might want to reach more people quickly. That's where social media ads come in. You are basically putting up a poster at the digital party to catch everyone's attention.

Checking the Party Analytics

Most platforms offer tools to see how your posts are doing. These analytics help you understand what works and what can be better.

Growing Your Digital Community

Over time, as you keep sharing cool stuff and interacting, your digital friend list (followers) grows. This is your online community, and they're interested in what you offer.

Benefits of Social Media in Marketing


Global Reach

Social media provides global reach, breaking geographical barriers for businesses to showcase their products or services to a diverse international audience.

Free Advertising

Social media platforms offer a cost-free advertising opportunity. By sharing engaging content, businesses can reach a broad audience without incurring advertising costs.

Talking to Customers

Direct communication with customers is a key advantage of social media marketing, allowing real-time interaction, addressing queries, and fostering personalized connections.

Learning from Feedback

Social media facilitates continuous learning from customer feedback, providing valuable insights for refining products, services, and overall business strategies.

Challenges of Social Media Marketing

Negative Comments

Managing negative comments is a challenge in social media marketing, requiring effective strategies to maintain a positive online reputation and address customer concerns.

Keeping Up with Changes

Adapting to the dynamic nature of social media platforms, including changes in algorithms and user behaviors, is a constant challenge for businesses to ensure continued effectiveness.


There you have it, a look at the ultimate social media marketing guide. In addition, you should now have a pretty good idea about how social media helps in marketing your brand's product or service. 

The top five social media platforms in the world work in pretty much the same way with just some tweaks. They all have their advantages and at the same time some challenges.


Q. Is social media marketing suitable for all businesses?

While social media can benefit various businesses, the strategy should align with the target audience and industry.

Q. How often should I post on social media?

The frequency of posts depends on the platform and your audience. Consistency is key, but quality should not be sacrificed for quantity.

Q. Are paid social media ads worth the investment?

Paid ads can be highly effective when targeted correctly. It's essential to monitor and optimize campaigns for the best results.

Q. How can I measure the success of my social media campaigns?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates help evaluate the success of social media campaigns.

Q. What is the future of social media marketing?

The future holds increased integration of AI, augmented reality, and immersive experiences, transforming how brands connect with their audience.